Western Uganda Guide

Camping in Uganda

Camping in Uganda is slightly different than in many other parts of the world and certainly there as an activity is under-developed as is much of the tourism industry there.

You are highly unlikely to stroll past a campsite rather camping is mainly limited to areas of land at places known as "resorts" which also offer other accommodation be they bandas, lodgings, hotels or safari tents many of which come with their own toilet facilities. However if you do take your own camping tent to Uganda you can still have a great time and many of the camping sites there are simply awesome in terms of scenery alone.

Camping in UgandaImagine setting up your camp on an island in the middle of a lake or on the rim of a volcano surrounded by forest and watching your neighbours, mostly monkeys, ferreting around you!

We don't recommend simply setting up camp anywhere and urge you to restrict yourself to established camp sites. There are snakes and other wildlife throughout Uganda around and a solitary tent in the middle of no-where leaves you vulnerable, especially if you decide to pich up next to a river where there are hippos because they prowl and night and can be very aggressive. Here we list camping sites in Uganda that are established and where you can book in advance.

Others are available however many operate on a "turn up and see if we are open" basis and given that most travelling in Western Uganda won't have their own transport that doesn't always work out for the best especially if you find yourself in the middle of no-where with dusk fast approaching.

If you know of other camping sites in Uganda get in touch and let us know using our contact form and if you have stayed at these or other sites why not write a review to let others know of your experience! We'd love to hear from you! One last thing. If you are staying in Uganda as part of a wider visit to Africa, please avoid green tents. As strange as it sounds it's likely to be confiscated when you cross the border into a neighbouring country as the colour green has strong army connotations. Believe us, that's how we lost a tent crossing from Rwanda to Burundi!


Camping in Uganda

Camping in Uganda

Camping in Uganda

Camping in Uganda


Bunyonyi Overland

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

Bring your own tent or hire a furnished safari tent at this beautiful location at Lake Bunyoni.
Visit Website >


Hippo Hill

Hippo Hill Safari Lodge

Luxury safari tents from where to view watch wild animals in Queen Elizabeth National Park!
Visit Website >

More Soon!

Campin in Uganda

The Western Uganda Network will be uploading more places to camp in Uganda soon!
That's It!

More Soon!

Campin in Uganda

The Western Uganda Network will be uploading more places to camp in Uganda soon!
That's It!




Western Uganda Tourist Attractions

Best Things
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Things to do in Western Uganda Guide

Main Ugandan

Main Ugandan Towns

Western Uganda

Accommodation in Western Uganda Guide