Western Uganda Guide

Itojo Trading Centre

Itojo Trading Centre

Itojo is a small trading centre within a short distance from Ntungamo ~ and, if lucky, you may even glimpse families of monkeys that inhabit the roadside swamps if you walk there! The centre has around thirty shops lining the road that runs from Mbarara to Kabale and you can buy many things there from cigarettes, alcohol, shoes and sundries but if you're looking for a bigger shopping area, you'd be better off visiting Ntungamo itself.

Itojo also has a number of churches and schools with a number of Ruhanga village children boarding there both at Hillside Academy (secondary education) and Itojo Primary as well as other schools. It also has a police station and  is perhaps best known for its hospital (see opposite) which serves a wide area and is the only reachable venue where surgery can be conducted.

One of the delights about Itojo has to be Hotel Rutaro, better known as Sharpe's Pork Joint. Much of the diet in Uganda is vegetable based so if you're missing some succulently roasted pork with side salad, this restaurant, located as you leave Itojo on your way to Ntungamo, is well worth a visit.

Chilled drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic are served. Its always best to book in advance to avoid disappointment and arrangements can also be made to deliver your meal to you by Boda Boda!


Itojo Trading Centre

Itojo Trading Centre

Itojo Trading Centre

Itojo Trading Centre


Itojo Hospital

Itojo Hospital

The delapidated and underfunded hospital is the only local centre where surgery can be performed.
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