Western Uganda Guide

Places to Eat in Ntungamo

Places to Eat in Ntungamo

There are many places to eat in Ntungamo and they vary greatly in quality. What might be hailed as Southern Fried chicken will probably be boiled chicken on a bone. Most chefs simply haven't travelled further than Ntungamo itself so don't realise their dishes don't quite fit the western palette. That said there are some great places to eat, particularly JTs. The Fuelex has gone down hill of late but still serves okay English food.

One thing to remember is that most places that serve food take around an hour to cook your meal, so plan ahead! If you can't wait that long (and we normally order, then go into town for shopping before returning when it's ready) try and avoid street vendors as there are no hygiene guarantees so best to avoid if you have an easily upset stomach!


Places to Eat in Ntungamo

Places to Eat in Ntungamo

Places to Eat in Ntungamo

Places to Eat in Ntungamo


Fuelex Cafe

Fuelex Cafe

As you leave town towards Kabale, the Fuelex garage has an adjoining cafe for decent meals.
That's It!

Salama Lodge

Salama Lodge

Salama Lodge is probably best for those who like local food as their chef "doesn't get" the western diet!
That's It!

Ariho Hotel

Ariho Hotel Ntungamo

We don't as yet have any detailed information on this restaurant also on the main street of Ntungamo.
That's It!


Sky Blue Hotel

Sky Blue Hotel

Sky Blue Hotel is probably one of the best places to eat in Ntungamo though there are long waits!
That's It!




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